Nevado del Ruiz is a stratovolcano, with a history of generating deadly lahars from relatively small eruptions (SDSU, 2006). The Nevado del Ruiz volcano stands at an elevation of 5, 389 meters above sea level. It is the tallest volcano of any Columbian Mountain. It is also the most northern of any stratovolcano in the area. Nevado del Ruiz is part of the Andes Volcanic Chain of western South America. It is located approximately 500 kilometers from the equator and its summit is covered with 25 square meters of snow and ice (SDSU, 2006). The Nevado del Ruiz volcano usually has only steam eruptions, with minimal to no pyroclastics ejected. It is also famous for starting lahars (mudflows) that generate to great speeds, knocking anything down in their path.

There were many precursors leading up to the 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz. Small earthquakes and fumaroles that spew gas and steam were detected near the summit. There were also small eruptions detected along the summit that contained small magma explosions (Suite101, 2009). These precursors signaled the 1985 eruption. On November 13, 1985, the Nevado del Ruiz volcano started with a small eruption at 3:06pm and two hours later pumice fragments and ash were showering down on Armero, the town 74 kilometers below. At 7:00pm the town started an evacuation and at 9:08pm molten rock began to erupt from the summit for the first time, previous eruptions were only steam explosions (SDSU, 2006). The eruption also generated deadly lahars that started at 11:35pm and moved downwards at speeds of 24 feet per second or 50 kilometers per hour (Suite101, 2009). The ice and snow on the summit of the volcano melted from the heat and sent large amounts of water and mud/materials picked up, speeding down the side towards Armero and hit within an hour.

Although Armero was 74 kilometers from the crater of Nevado del Ruiz, it took only two and a half hours for the lahars to reach to village, after the eruption began. The town of Armero was nearly destroyed. Over 23, 000 people died directly from the lahars and molten rocks that were thrown from the volcano during eruption. Many people later died because of smoke inhalation and starvation, etc. (Scribd, 2010). Approximately 15, 000 animals died and this eruption is said to be one of the ten deadliest eruptions in South American history.

Charity Site / Charity Challenge in Guatemala

This link is the closest representation of a charity that raises money for an area close to Columbia. There are no charities that are directly involved with Nevado del Ruiz or Columbia that we could find so this is the closest link.
link: Guatemla Charity Challenge

Educational Site/ Smithsonian: Nevado del Ruiz

This educational site focuses on all relevant aspects of Nevado del Ruiz. It also contains recent information on this volcano as well as pictures, sumamries, reports, etc. 
link: Smithsonian: Nevado del Ruiz 

Index of Sites/ Columbia Volcanoes and Volcanics

This index includes links to many other sites relating to Columbian volcanoes and volcanic information including Nevado del Ruiz. This index is a subcategory from the USGS which is a well known geological service.
link: USGS Columbia Volcanoes.

Wikipedia/ Nevado del Ruiz

This wikipeadia site talks about the details of the volcano such as; elevation, location etc. It also discusses history about the volcano such as; 1595 lahar, 1845 mudflow, Armero tradgedy of 1985. Also a section on current threats and prepardeness.
link: Nevado del Ruiz

Book Link/ No Apparent Danger

This book by Victoria Bruce intrigued us because it discusses that fact that no one thought there was any apparent danger associated with the Nevado del Ruiz volcano which was the downfall of the town of Armero.
link: No Apparent Danger: Nevado del Ruiz

Peer-Reviewed Journal/ Eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano

This journal contains information about the Gas Flux and Fluid Geochemistry. This journal discusses the scientifical aspects of the volcano and the scienticial history associated with the volcano.
link: Gas Flux and Geochemistry of Nevado del Ruiz

Academic Journal/ The Eruption of Nevado del Ruiz Volcano Columbia, South America

The journal summarizes the disaster of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Eruption. It discusses issues such as; performace of various structures, awareness and preparedness, impacts and recovery program etc.
link: National Academic Press

Newsletter / On This Day Mudslide in Columbia

In this news letter it discusses Nevado del Ruiz's devastating lahars as a result of the Volcanic Erutpion on November 13, 1985. It also discusses the relief efforts made and how it could have been prevented.
link: Newletter-On this day mudslide in Columbia.

Discussion Forum/ Nevado del Ruiz: Pictures and Opinions

This discussion forum is a collection of current photographies of the Nevado del Ruiz.
Link: Discussion Forum/ Nevado del Ruiz: pictures and opinions

Blog Link/ General Facts-Nevado del Ruiz

This blog contains the description of the type of volcano, geologic location, eruption history, neighboring volcanoes, eruption style, negihboring volcanoes, and environmental dangers. It also has some useful links to pages related to the Nevado del Ruiz.
Link: Blog Link/ Nevado del Ruiz

Colombian Government website/ Ingeominas- Nevado del Ruiz

Ths website not only presents the general facts about the Nevado del Ruiz, but it also describes the geological characteristics, the geochemical properties, and the historic activity. It has a photo gallery, some technical reports, and a hazard-zone map.Besides,it allows the user to have acces to the current seismographic readings of the zone and download information.
Note: the information in the website is in Spanish
Link: Ingeominas Colombia/ Nevado del ruiz

Video clip/Emergency Response/The Eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano - Colombia 1985

This video clip focuses on the rescue efforts, medical assistance that the victims received, and medical measures taken to avoid an epidemic. In addition, it briefly describes the precursors of the volcanic eruption, the characteristics of the flow, and some environmental consequences, such as acidity of the local sources of water and negative impact on animals' health of the affected area.
Link: Youtube/The Eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano - Colombia 1985/ 15:03 min lenght